Back in 2015, I used to live a conventional life, working as a strategy consultant in banking and not believing in anything I couldn’t touch or see. I had been in this role for 4 years and like everyone else, I lived for the weekends and worked hard during the week.

Money and a steep career trajectory were the only things that mattered to me. I was successful by those criteria, but something wasn’t right.

I worked hard, made great money, went to the gym, and ate my salads. I was excelling at everything society told me would make me happy. But I was far from it, I felt broken and hopeless inside.

In fact, my life felt more like a constant uphill struggle for more money and appreciation, until finally, many factors conspired to topple my world upside down.

I burned out

I found myself trembling, sweating cold, and exhausted to the core. Like a voice inside of me yelling in despair “STOP! No more”. In the mornings I felt physically paralyzed and couldn’t get out of bed. In the evenings I couldn’t calm down enough to fall asleep. My thoughts were racing, as was my heart. I existed in a constant state of fight or flight.

I realized I was in deep trouble. This wasn’t a “take a holiday” kind of problem. This was big; bigger than I could handle alone.

This was the moment I realized society sold me a lie. They dangled happiness in front of me like a carrot, never close enough to bite. This race for the carrot left me spent and depressed.

Fortunately, life has a way of working itself out.

By ‘coincidence’ I found a healer in disguise, and he knew he had work to do as soon as he saw me. And work he did.

We started digging into my trauma on a mission to uncover who I truly was underneath it all. Societal conditioning, false beliefs, fears and anything else that caused the turmoil in my inner world, I worked on.

This was the beginning of my journey of awakening and unlearning.

A Fairytale?

Not so much.

Nothing fit anymore and what started, was a process called the “beautiful destruction”.

I threw out my whole career, left friends behind and gave up my flat. I didn’t know where I wanted to be, but I knew it wasn’t here.

So I left with no other intention but to follow my heart and with no idea where my next income was going to come from.

Who was I and what was I meant to do?

While I was in the process of healing my deeper trauma, over the course of some years, I tried to found businesses. I had this burning desire for freedom and a desperate need for an income.

I felt it deep in my heart that working in a grey office full of grey people couldn’t be my life. There had to be more.

With this newly found enthusiasm for a better life, I started my first business. A digital marketing agency for small businesses.

I thought this was a great idea. The market was there, I had the skills and I really wanted to be able to work remotely one day.

However, something was wrong.

Waves of fear were always with me; just trying to build the website and write the text made me panic.

Pitching clients was terrifying on a whole new level

It was the feeling of burnout all over again. I felt out of control and out-of-my-mind fearful. No rational re-framing could help me to control what was going on inside of me. I fell back into a big wave of exhaustion.

Fast forward, and I seized upon three more start up opportunities, but all I got was struggle.

Some clients refused to pay their bills, others wanted me to work full-time for no salary. Yet another person paid me in promises with nothing ever materializing.

I didn’t understand what was going on. Why was this entrepreneurship thing laced with disrespect and problems?

My entire education and career was full of scholarships, recognition, and outstanding achievements; why were people walking all over me now?

I was so frustrated I frequently cried myself to sleep, had to wade through periods of intense exhaustion, and generally just felt like giving up.

There seemed to be these constant walls I was running against and I was so tired of it.

And then I Found my Answer

What I didn’t realize was that I was the common denominator to all these problems. I forced myself to have a look in the mirror to understand why and how I was creating these problems in my world.

Let’s face it, I made plenty of mistakes along the way, but if I were to summarize, I would say the biggest three ones were:

  • Strategy
  • Mindset
  • Energy

When I started my first business, I basically placed it in an empty container. I had no vision for it, no deeper purpose, no sense for my customer, and no branding. My approach was the “I” strategy: I want. I wanted remote work. I wanted a lucrative income. Clearly not a solid strategy or motivation, and unsurprisingly, it failed.

The other problem was the stories running in my head. I ignored them and followed advice from the wrong people – ‘push through it’ and ‘stop being silly’.

If there is one advice I can give you, please don’t listen to those people! I tried and I fell back into burnout. Entrepreneurship is exciting and can sometimes make you nervous, but it shouldn’t downright scare you. A constant humming of fear in you, will – over any period of time – burn you out.

I learned that working on your fears and doubts is a priority for every day. Dismantle them; don’t ignore them

The final mistake I made was to approach entrepreneurship with a sense of despair and unaligned energy. I was outwardly screaming insecurity!

How could someone else possibly see my worth and pay me for it, if I didn’t even see it myself?

It all depends on energy; it may go unspoken, but it travels and others pick up on it, consciously or subconsciously. I committed to myself that I would learn to align my energy with what I do, and it has made all the difference.


I have my own business grounded in a solid strategy and a deep purpose – spreading the healing I once received and helping women start the lives they love full of purpose, prosperity and self-determination. A business is the gateway to such a life, and that is where I come in.

After 7 years of working in strategy at multinational companies, and studying energy and mindset work for the past 4 years, I have created a powerful program that helps women like you step into their power and start their own businesses.

There is no need for you to waste your time jumping through the same hoops I did. Time is precious; too precious to make the same mistakes over and over again instead of learning from each other. A business in an empty container simply doesn’t work. A business without the right mindset and energy doesn’t either!

I truly tested everything under the sun, and I know now what works and what doesn’t. To this day, I work on my energy and my mindset every single day and am changing my life step by step by crafting powerful strategies for my business, and for my life.

It is possible to go after your dreams of fulfillment, money and freedom and I can help you get there.

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